Wednesday, February 29, 2012

just a typical day, blessed to be a mother

I love these kiddos!  Today Daniel is sick with a little fever and deep cough, the same symptoms Abish has had for several days.  I wonder how he picked it up?
Oh.  Hmmm, maybe.   He sure is good at putting Abish to sleep though.  He's still sleeping and nursing well, so even though it's sad to see him sick, I'm not too worried.   We keep the humidifier going at night and rub garlic oil on his feet, and Dr. Christopher's lung formula on his chest.   I can tell he has a sore throat by his poor little cry.  He doesn't cry very much though.  He seems to take everything life has handed him so far with a cheerful heart.  He's started to smile a lot in the last week.

Nephi and Abish play so well together.  They're constantly building forts and engaging in imaginative play.  I hear them describing their characters and roles as they go along.  Usually it's family oriented, with moms and dads and children, pet animals, etc.  but there's a fair amount of heads getting chopped off too.   (Don't raise your eyebrows at me, the worst I do is spank!)

When they're not playing together or on their leapsters, or with neighbor friends, Nephi and Abish sometimes do something we call school work.  Nephi is actually very consistant about doing his math everyday.  We like the Singapore math books.  It's reading that he balks at.  Oh, he'll sit and listen to me read all day, which is probably why he has a great vocabulary, but he doesn't like to have to sound words out himself.  (Which is understandable, since he's learning English.)
Abish loves to practice writing letters.  She comes to me  and asks me to show her how to spell words.  I love it.  She puts a little extra swirl in her S when she writes her name.  It's so cute. So Abish.  She's trying to teach Jared his ABC's.   Today I thought I'd help her, and I got out the flash cards during lunch.  I held up the letter R with a picture of a rainbow and said, "Jared, say 'rainbow'".
Jared: "bo-bo"
Good job!
Holding up the letter I:  "Jared, say 'igloo'"
Jared: "Ew!"
Good job!
L, say "lion"
Jared: Raarrrrrgh!
ha, ha, ha  good job, lions say Raarrrgh
C - what's this, Jared?
Jared: Tat!
Yep, that's a kitty cat, good job!
A - Oh, here's an angel.  Jared, can you say "angel"?
Jared: Doo - do - dooooooo!
Huh?  Oh, yeah, that's the sound angel Moroni makes with his trumpet!  Good job!
Next was O and he called the orange a "bapo" but I said, "no, this is not an apple, this is an orange, you have to peel it."  He said, "oh."  (I'm not sure if he meant, "Oh, I get it." or "O" as in short for "orange".)

He said the words "house" and "boat" perfectly and was pretty proud of himself when I made a big deal out of it.   He kept saying "boat! boat!" when I was putting him down for his nap.  I told him I'd go get his boat, which I did, but when I got back he was already sound asleep.  I laid it on his chest with his favorite little fish.

Yep, no doubt about it, I am very blessed to be the mother of these children!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Family History, I am doing it!

I've been feeling a strong desire to get involved in doing my Family History for several months.  Along with feeling like I didn't have time,  I didn't know how or where to start.  But I've felt assured repeatedly that if I will get started and make it a priority, that I'll have added help in other areas of my life (especially regarding Ty and Kaden, and our other children).
We had Stake Conference last weekend and there were some good talks given about redemption of the dead. I asked Sister Gashler to email me a quote she used her in talk.  On Wednesday she came by and brought me this quote along with a picture of people in the Spirit World waiting for their work to be done: President Wilford Woodruff said:  “Oh, I wish many times that the veil were lifted off the face of the Latter-Day Saints.  I wish we could see and know the things of God as they do who are laboring for the salvation of the human family who are in the spirit world; for if this were so, this whole people, with very few, if any, exceptions, would lose all interest in the riches of the world, and instead thereof their whole desires and labors would be directed to redeem their dead.”
Wednesday night (2-15-12) I wrote in my journal: I decided to direct my time and effort toward my family history and temple work and let the Lord bless as He will regarding Ben's pay at Bluehost.
Thursday Mom came over to spend a few hours helping me with whatever I would like help with.  I asked for help getting started on family history.  She was surprised, but delighted, and we spent about an hour looking at names on Family Search.  She remembered that Clara and Auggie, needed to have their temple work done, but first she needed permission from their closest living relative.  She gave me the assignment of calling Clara and Auggie's daughter, Nancy Hansen, to request permission to do their temple work.  I was so excited to begin doing my family history!!!  We didn't have a phone number for Nancy, so I thought I'd work on getting that the next day, but prayed for inspiration to know how to explain why I felt it was important to do this temple work for her parents.  

We ate lunch, then Mom helped me clean my laundry room and family room, then she went home around 5:00pm.  At 6:00 pm, as I was reading family history stories from the life of Alice Ovanda Cheney Ricks (Donae's Grandmother), I got a call from Ryan Lewis (Ben's older brother)who was driving through from Colorado on his way to Ogden and asked if he could stop by.  I knew Ben would want to visit with him and hoped he would stay long enough for that to happen.  (Ben was in Pheonix with Jay on a work assignment, but would be coming home late that evening.)  As I began to prepare dinner, I decided to call Ty, since I had talked to Kaden the night before.  Ty was happy to talk to me and told me that the timing couldn't have been more perfect, (another blessing) since he had just come in from playing outside and had 15 minutes before they would leave for his volleyball game.  We had a nice visit.  He told me about scouts and his friends Brandon and Jacob.

Ryan Lewis arrived around 8:00.  He ate dinner with us, and we called Joseph and Heidi and Sarah and Carlos and invited them over and they came right away.  We all visited and played Catch Phrase and had strawberry smoothies.  It was great.  Jay brought Ben home around 10:30 and Ben visited with Ryan for a couple of hours before we all went to sleep.

Was this unexpected visit from Ryan and the impromptu game night with Joseph and Sarah a blessing from focusing on Family History?

Today I did our usual things, breakfast, family scripture reading, baths for all the children, math with Nephi, and Abish got to have a friend over, and the friend's golden retriever, Honey, came too.   Between 3:00-4:00 I had some quiet time and was able to find a phone number online for Suzanne Leese.  I called her and she gave me her mother, Nancy Hansen's, phone number!  Wow!  That was easy!  Now to call Nancy.  My heart was pounding.  I sat down to collect my thoughts and decided to write out a little script.  I considered how it would be easiest to explain the restoration of the Priesthood.  Hmmm.  How about:  Christ organized the church, men changed it, Jesus restored it through the Prophet Joseph Smith?  Or maybe:  Jesus set the example for us to be baptized . . .  Then I remembered that it would be a good idea to pray for help.
As I formed the words of my prayer, I received a clear impression to focus my efforts on getting to know Nancy and her mother, and her grandparents.  I realized that here was an opportunity for me to really learn some important FAMILY HISTORY, not just request for temple work to be done, but to learn about my ancestors!  To come to know them as individuals and learn their stories.   I hope and believe that this will be the beginning of many phone conversations with Nancy and the building of a lasting friendship.
I wrote down several questions to ask Nancy, but then Daniel woke up and it was time for Abish's friend to go home.   I realized that I would have to wait until tomorrow to call her.  About an hour later though, as I sat nursing Daniel on the couch, I again had some quiet time while Jared continued to nap and Nephi and Abish played happily, so I called Ben's parents.  They were on the phone with me for over an hour, giving me names and birth dates to update my information on Family Search.  Now I have all the connections to show me what temple work has been done and where names and dates still need to be collected.  Richard and Donae also told me some interesting stories about their grandparents as we talked about each of them.
I was floating on air, so excited to be learning all this wonderful information about Ben's and my ancestors!  I need to write it down before I forget.  But there's more.  I started making dinner (my favorite chicken, vegetable, and bean enchiladas) and mom called.  She just wanted to ask me a quick question about rectangles vs. squares for a jean quilt, but I was excited to talk some more about family history, so I asked her some more questions about her grandparents.  She began recalling many childhood memories about both grandparents, sweet stories I had never heard before, and that she had not even remembered herself!  She said she would go write them down before she forgot.
The most important thing I gained today, along with all these wonderful stories, is a clear direction on how to begin working on my family history.  There are many individuals who are alive and lucid that have personal memories to share of their grandparents.  I can talk to Nancy, Mildred, & Grandma McFarland.  Ben's parent's, my parents, Ben's Aunt Pearl, and many others.  I'm really excited to make time each week to learn more and more of my family history and write it up, to be saved under individual names and shared.  
Now, here's something amazing.  Ben got home tonight at 8:30pm.  Over dinner we discussed our day and he related an intricate series of events (I'll record them in my journal, but they're too much to add her) which ultimately led to his boss coming in to his office today and telling him that he would be getting a raise in the very near future.  A coincidence for this blessing to come as soon as I begin to earnestly focus on doing family history work?  I know it's not, and I marvel at the generosity of my Heavenly Father!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Happy Valentine's Day

Ben gave me a good bye kiss at 7:30 am and wished me a Happy Valentine's Day before leaving for class at UVU.  I had intended to make him a nice breakfast, but couldn't get over feeling robbed of my sleep between 5-6am by sweet little Daniel and I made up for it by sleeping late.  Nephi and Abish excitedly opened their Valentine gifts before I was even out of bed. 
When I did finally get up and started breakfast, I noticed that Ben had cleaned the dinner dishes from last night off the table and put a sweet note next to a bouquet of roses that said, "Happy Valentine's Day!  I love you all!"
As I went about preparing cinnamon toast and hash-browns, I also noticed that the garbage had been taken out and the dishwasher filled.  I thought back to last night when Ben had gotten home from class close to 10:00 pm.  He had picked up some milk and fruit at the grocery store, the very things we were out of.  I made him a plate of vegetable curry, then gave Daniel a bath in hopes of inducing a nice long period of sleep.  Abish and Jared hopped in too, even though I'd already gotten them into pajamas and brushed their teeth.  I got kind of snappy with Jared for dumping cupfuls of water out of the tub, even though he did it with a sweet smile and probably had a good reason for it (in his mind) but I couldn't decipher it from his "uh, uh, uh's".  Ben had come in then and got Abish and Jared out of the tub while I dressed and fed Daniel.  After family prayer he spent some one on one time with Abish and Jared before putting them to bed.  What an amazing husband and father he is! So in tune with the his family's needs and so quick to help out, even though he hadn't had time to eat lunch that day, and still hadn't eaten dinner!
I'm so thankful to have him as my eternal Valentine!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Children bring Joy!

                                  Nephi savoring the warmth and sweetness of his baby brother.
A couple of days ago I was feeling down and wanting to cry.  I felt it had been a very unproductive day.  The laundry room and library were still needing to be cleaned organized.  Then Nephi enthusiastically exclaimed, "What a great day this has been!"  It cheered me right up and I began to sing as I finished loading the dishwasher: "Count your blessings, name them one by one.  Count your many blessings see what God has done!"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Big Sister, Little Mama

Abish loves to hold baby Daniel and is very helpful.  Last night he was crying in the swing and I was trying to clean up from dinner.  She took him out and gave him his binkie, then rocked him in her little rocking chair.  Such a sweet big sister!

Ben's Temple Cake

I try to make birthday cakes that are somewhat unique.  Here is Papa's most recent.  It looked pretty cool when we added 34 white candles and lit them!  :)

Heaven in our arms

Welcome to our home, baby Daniel!  Your big brothers and sister are sooo happy to have you here!

Daniel's Birth Story

January 22, 2012 Sunday
We've been staying with Mom since Friday. I brought all my birthing supplies, but Daniel isn't budging. Mom keeps reminding me to enjoy this last stretch. I'm trying. We're all just so excited to meet our baby. (And I'm getting pretty uncomfortable.)
It's 10:30 am now. Dad is in Montana. Mom is at church, she teaches the 9 year olds. Ben took Nephi and Abish to attend Sacrament with the 11:00 ward. Then he's taking them hometeaching with him to the Love's. Jared is here with me, at Mom and Dad's house in Elk Ridge. Yesterday it rained, then turned to snow and left us in a winter wonderland. It's beautiful, and I have “no place to go” so I love it. Hot chocolate, BYU-TV, couldn't be any better than this, right? (Yes, I'd rather be in labor!)
January 26th, 2012 Thursday
We're back at home, and I want to record the miracle of Daniel's birth. Sunday night I felt some small “dilating” contractions during the evening. I sang songs around the piano with Nephi and Abish. We did a video chat with Caleb's family and the Whitney's. Hazel called to see how I was doing.
I went to bed around 10:30. At 11:30 I began having “real” contractions that told me the baby was coming! My game plan is to stay in bed as long as possible to rest between contractions and stay as relaxed as possible. I did get up after Ben came to bed at midnight, and walked around the kitchen and living room briefly, but didn't have any more contractions. I went back to bed and the contractions came one at a time, very strong, about every 30-45 minutes. That was unusual, but very welcome, since it was gentle, steady progress and I slept very well in between. At 7:00 am I got up and got a glass of water. Nephi woke up too to use the bathroom and I told him Daniel was going to be born that day! He was really excited and asked what he could do to help (isn't that thoughtful?). The contractions were coming pretty regular by then, so I leaned forward on his big bouncy ball (using it as a birthing ball) and he tried pushing on my back, but found that sitting on it worked best. We got through 5-6 contractions this way, with him running around excitedly in between, and lastly waking Papa up and telling him it was his turn. This didn't make me very happy because Ben and I had gone to sleep on poor terms and I was determined not to ask him for any help. (How foolish of me!) When he came in he said, “Honey, I don't feel very good, I have a cold.” I said, “Ah, that's too bad, you'd better go back to bed.” He asked, “why are you acting like that?” and I answered, “because you don't want to help me.” Well, this wasn't the best time to have a discussion, as I was advancing quickly into active labor, and it seemed we called a sort of silent truce, as he was determined to help me and I was quickly becoming more humble as the pain increased in intensity and frequency. He began filling the bathtub, and I wondered if it were too early, since I wanted a water birth, but didn't want to be too tired of being in the tub. Ahhh, it was the right move. Getting into the water was wonderful. Abish had woken up by then and decided to climb in with me. Ben called in to Bluehost and told them he wouldn't be coming in today. Ben was holding Jared, who kept getting the point across that he wanted to eat. Nephi had run outside to play in the new snow. I asked Ben to let Mom know I was in labor and give the care of Abish and Jared over to her. She was in the basement, on the phone with Dad, and was surprised to learn that there was all this action going on. She took over with the children from there and Ben stayed with me.
After perhaps 45 minutes in the bathtub, I felt like I needed a change. I stood up to use the toilet and had another contraction. It was then that I realized just how much the water helped to soften their intensity. I expressed to Ben, “wow, it's a lot easier in the water.” He therefore expected that I would go directly back to the tub, but I felt so tired that I wanted to lie down. Mom and Dad have a couch in their bedroom, and Nephi had been sleeping on it so there was a comforter and pillow for me to lay down on. I lay on my side and did my best to relax completely during contractions. Ben kneeled beside the couch and put my knees against his stomache and pulled on my back, to provide counter pressure relief. It worked well and was a big help. He also had his i-pod touch playing some beautiful music, the song I remember most was, This is the Christ. He was timing the contractions too, and while I fell into a deep sleep between each contraction and imagined they were 10-15 minutes apart, he said they were actually about 30 seconds apart, the longest rest was 2 minutes. After one particularly long, strong contraction, where Ben could judge by my breathing that I was struggling, he suggested that I get back into the tub. He drained some of the water and added more heat, then helped me in. Ahhh, again. The contractions were very strong by now, but the water helped so much that I wondered if I were really as close as I hoped and wanted to be. I had guessed it was about 8:30 am, but I was glad to see as I walked back toward the tub that the alarm on Dad's dresser said it was after 10:00.
Ben kept assuring me that I was “doing so well” and held a cup of cold water up for me to drink from frequently. I changed positions often in the water, alternating between squatting, and kneeling and leaning forward. Ben would reach into the water and push on my back. The handles on the bathtub helped me change and find helpful positions. My arms became quite tired from holding myself up, so Ben stacked a couple of towels on the edge of the bathtub and encouraged me to lean forward onto them. He continued to push on my back, massage my forehead, and speak words of comfort. I remember a feeling of peace that came as I heard the words from the music “. . . Ye shall obtain . . .”

An interesting sidenote to this labor was that Daniel would move before each contraction. Either he was the impetus, or he felt them coming on and didn't like it. I had noticed during the night, and Ben could actually see as I labored, that Daniel would give a big movement that preceeded each contraction. As I pleaded with Heavenly Father for help, Ben coaxed Daniel, “Come on, baby. Mommy's ready for you. It's time to come out. Everything's ready. Come on , Daniel.”
Then Ben asked if I'd like a blessing. I said yes, and he quickly placed his hands on my head and blessed me with strength to endure, and the assurance of my Heavenly Father's love as I participated in His great work of families and procreation. Ben closed the blessing but continued to pray vocally and fervently that this birth could be accomplished quickly and that mother and baby would be safe. I pushed with a strong contraction as he prayed and my water broke. I was relieved to see that it was nice and clear (no meconium). Two more contractions and I began pushing as the baby moved down the birth canal. I felt the “ring of fire” and was exhilerated to realize that we were almost there! No more trying to relax, now I could put my energy into birthing this baby. I roared as I pushed, wondering if I would tear in half, but knowing that I wouldn't. Ben reminded me to listen to my body and wait for the contractions. He was the perfect labor coach. As Daniel's head emerged, Ben reached down and felt his head and face. It was so exciting to see his little face under the water as his body whooshed out with the next big contraction. I lifted him up and Ben wrapped a receiving blanket around him. He wasn't in a hurry to take a breath, so I rubbed his back until he gave a lusty cry. Satisfied, I lowered him back down into the water and asked Ben to go get the other children. Nephi, Abish, and Jared lined up along the tub excitedly. Jared reached toward Daniel saying, “baby! baby!” Abish squealed, “Oh, he's super, duper cute!” and Nephi cooed, “I can't believe he's here! Baby Daniel!” It was wonderful. 10:48 am. Mom snapped a couple of pictures, and after 15 minutes or so, Ben cut the cord and passed the little man off to Mom while he helped me out of the tub. I was able to birth the placenta quickly and easily after everyone left. I seemed to tune in to the music that continued to play quietly in the background as the question was posed, “How many drops of blood were shed for me?” I was weak and nearly overwhelmed by the mini-gethsamene I had just been through, and this really hit home for me as I stood, dripping blood, and thought of my Savior, willingly suffering for me. I felt so humble at that moment. Willing to forgive anyone and everyone, wanting to repent of all hard-heartedness. Wanting to lighten the Savior's load and heart. To return his love.
Ben helped me wash off and step into those wonderful stretch panties with a cold-pack pad. I put on a comfy gown and went to bed where I got to nurse little Daniel. I was so proud of how well he latched on, like a little piranha. :)
Ben examined the placenta, and was satisfied that it was healthy and intact. He cleaned up the towels and rinsed out the bathtub. Mom took care of the children and brought me some beef broth and a banana. Then I slept. When I woke up, Ben was sleeping too. How nice that Mom was there to help with the children. I got up and ate some more, and saw that Jared was put down for his nap.

The next two days we stayed with Mom and she helped with the children and meals. Ben did have a cold, but continued to attend his classes and study, as well as help with the house and children. I was grateful for Lansinoh cream, and percocet as I adjusted to nursing and a shrinking uterus. The children played happily at Grandma's house and enjoyed holding their baby brother frequently (albeit briefly).
Grandma made lots of green smoothies, which the children loved, and we watched several movies, including: Courageous, Flywheel, and Horse Crazy Too.

Details: Daniel's birthweight: 8 lbs, 8 oz. Length 22 inches – measuring from crown to rump, rump to heel. Head circumference: 14 inches Gestational age: 40 weeks 5 days. (via ultrasound) 41 weeks 3 days from LMP. He had virtually no vernix left and his skin is peeling everywhere. He had three meconium diapers in the first 24 hours. I'm so glad he wasn't stressed and didn't pass any of that in utero.