Nathan loves to plunge headlong into the water when we go swimming, and comes up smiling when I pull him out. He thinks it's a great game. I know he needs 100% of my attention, 100% of the time around water, but I became absorbed in conversation and forgot him momentarily. Suddenly, mid-sentence, I snapped to attention, crying: "Where's Nathan?!" I spun around and saw him underwater next to several young children who were playing happily. I ran and pulled him up and carried him out of the pool, crying for help. His body felt heavy and lifeless in my arms, his face was blue. I handed him to a young life-guard who quickly blew his whistle and alerted others to call 911, then laid Nathan down on the concrete. I turned his head to the side so he wouldn't choke on the water if he began vomiting. An emergency room doctor was swimming at the pool with his family and came immediately to my side. We pulled off Nathan's clothes and he quickly found Nathan's femoral pulse.
Wiggling his body around to get the clothes off seemed to revive him. Without CPR, he began breathing again on his own, although with difficulty. He soon began to cry, the sound bringing waves of relief washing over me. I couldn't answer how long he had been under, but the doctor said it could not have been more than seconds for him to have revived so quickly. It seriously pains me to not know how long he was under, I want to hope it was only a few seconds, but it could have been longer.
What I do know is that many families at the pool that day quickly united in prayer, pleading for the safety of my little one. One friend in particular, a soon to be mother of 10, held Daniel in her arms and asked him to pray with her that angels would help Nathan to breathe. Daniel answered: "God is already helping Nathan. He is breathing right now." Rachael asked, "Is anyone else helping Nathan?" He said: "Grandma and Grandpa, and Grandma and Grandpa."
The presence and help of the E.R. Doctor was not a coincidence. Angels, from both sides of the veil were there to help him survive. I wonder how often we receive heavenly help and have no idea?
I took Nathan into the ambulance and they gave me an oxygen mask to hold up to his nose. He quickly fell asleep in my arms, pink again, and content. In a few minutes his oxygen saturations were 99-100% on room air.
We called Ben at work and he immediately came. Meanwhile, other mothers had gathered my children and explained the situation. They were waiting outside the ambulance. Daniel was goofing off and running away from Ty and ran smack into a sign pole, splitting open his forehead! The paramedics kindly wrapped his head with a big gauze bandage and we came home.
I felt so horrible for forgetting Nathan. The next few days I had haunting flashbacks. I held him close at every opportunity and he hugged back! As a family we have offered and continue to offer, prayers of thanks for his life being preserved. How we love this little boy!!!
Monday night I asked Ben for a Priesthood blessing. It infused me with so much love and peace. The words I remember most are these: "You are a Mother in Zion who responded quickly to a prompting."
I stayed next to Nathan's crib that Friday night, praying more than sleeping. How could I have been so negligent? I pled for forgiveness. It came to my mind that we are not alone in this business of raising children. This is God's work! He know's my best is woefully inadequate, and through His grace he makes up the difference. I'm so grateful for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. I receive Heavenly help on a daily basis, but it's the heart-stopping moments like this one that draw my attention to the fact that I depend on Him for everything. Motherhood is a work of faith, trust, hope. We could never do it alone, and gratefully, we don't have to.
Saturday morning I took the children hiking up to Battle Creek Falls. We are all so grateful to have our Nathan!!
On Sunday we attended Katie Johnston's mission farewell. We're so happy for her decision to serve! She'll be a great missionary, just like her cousin, Fashi. :)
Ben was never angry with me through this. He assured me over and over that I'm a wonderful mother and this could have happened to anyone.
I'm so thankful for his constant love.
Our sons have a fantastic role model!